Men Business Casual: Spartan Composites

Published by Silver Karen on

Dress codes are a thing of their own. Not everyone knows them and they are often interpreted differently. This is exactly where the danger lies. It is not uncommon for people to be either overdressed or underdressed.

Spartan composites Business casual for men

A distinction is made between a very strict dress code and something more relaxed in spar composites business casual.

In principle, however, there are a few basics that are particularly important in business casual for men.

  • The outfit should consist of muted colors. Blue, gray, black, white, dark brown are all colors suitable for such outfits.
  • A jacket is mandatory with this dress code. For employers who are a little more relaxed about the dress code, you can also wear a sports jacket.
  • When choosing your trousers, you should choose suit trousers, chinos or classic trousers.
  • The shirt should also be decent. With business casual you can freely choose the shirt collar.
  • Shoes are particularly important in this dress code. Here you should reach for classic business shoes.
  • The same applies to accessories. Less is more and just don’t be conspicuous. They should be chosen discreetly. A watch and a ring are of course allowed.

What is business casual for Spartan composites?

Business casual is very close to smart casual. Although, as the name suggests, the business casual dress code is a little closer to the classic formal business outfit.Spartan composites

If one had to translate the dress code, it would be something like “casual business attire”.

How the style of clothing is designed is a matter of interpretation and largely dependent on the business attire worn in everyday life. Men who only have to wear a suit in the office, for example, should stick with business casual. However, it is then permissible to remove the tie or bow tie or to wear a button-down shirt instead of a shirt with a shark collar. This is then the “casual” part of the code.

For men who don’t have to wear a suit in the office, the following applies. Don’t drift too far into the “casual” area. A dark jacket, muted colours, business shoes and a shirt should also be mandatory for casual business. Here the transition to smart casual is fluid.

The same applies to women as to men. Make sure that you feel more comfortable than in a classic business outfit. As a woman, you can also set color accents in business casual and don’t have to wear classic black and white. Furthermore, the shoes do not have to be too high. The important thing is that the outfit must still be representative of the company.
